Top 11 exercises to lose 5 pounds quickly

 You have finally decided to make the idea that no, the balance is not crazy, you just a little exaggerated on desserts lately! Know that it is easy to recover, to  lose weight quickly and surely, to ge rid of these 5 small excess pounds accumulated without realizing it. But then how to lose weight quickly ?

 How to lose 5 kilos quickly, easily and ... sustainably!
 First of all, it is very important to remember how unnecessary it is to go on a hunger strike to lose those few extra pounds. Indeed, this method, which can be effective in the short term , will only make you lose muscle mass, and weight recovery will be almost immediate ... hello effect yoyo !

 Is the diet the best way to lose weight quickly?

 It is indeed quite possible to lose 5 pounds by depriving food, but this method is not a solution. In addition, imposing such a severe diet deprives the body of many nutrients essential for metabolism, which forces it to eliminate muscle mass rather than fat tissue .

 If you return to your eating habit after a certain period of food deprivation, the body will be eager to store new supplies in the form of fat, in provision and prevention of a possible future period of "famine" .

 In addition, losing our body's muscle tissue weakens the basal metabolism , that is, it will have more trouble burning calories at rest, and that's not the effect at all. when you want to slim down .

 The first secret to losing a few extra pounds is to adapt your diet to your needs , and adopt a healthy and balanced eating habit ( by eating light in the evening for example ). Combine this with a little regular exercise , and the result will be guaranteed and fast!

 It is also important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. You can also drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea daily, which has a draining and detoxicidal effect . But to be transparent, the best solution will always remain: the physical exercise!

 Top 11 easy exercises to lose 5 kilos

 Here are a top 11  really effective exercises to lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks, while refining in areas where fat tends to pile up. To achieve them, you will need only you and a carpet of soil.

 Before embarking on the description of these exercises, know that each person has his level. If some exercises may seem difficult to do at first, go easy , taking breaks if necessary, but do not give up: you have to persevere to achieve your goal, and the more you train, the more these exercises you will appear easy.

 Exercise N ° 1: the cladding
 For this first exercise, there are 3 categories of cladding that have different virtues:

 The central sheathing:
 Failing to perform series of crunch-type abdominals that increase muscle mass in the area called "grand droit", perform affine cladding series and tone the waist and the entire abdominal belt, burning fats.

 The great effort required by this cladding exercise is very demanding on the body which will spend a lot of energy during the realization.

 How to proceed :

 This bodybuilding exercise is also called "board" , and rightly: position yourself board, knees on the ground and hands joined. Back straight, legs and bust stretched, hold this position for a minute. You must contract the abdominal muscles , as if you wanted to bring the belt near the navel: it's the belly that works, not the arms, nor the back!

 Perform 3 sets of one minute , pausing one minute to recover between each set.

 Costal sheathing:

 This type of sheathing is a variant of the previous exercise. Just like the board, the costal sheathing makes it possible to burn the fat of the belly but also at the level of the handles of love .

 Instead of being supported on both elbows, the position is to rely on a single elbow in profile . Stretched legs, hold the position a minute. The arm that is not used in support is positioned behind the head, to keep the balance, but you can hold it taut if you feel more comfortable.

 Repeat the exercise 3 times on each side , marking breaks of one minute between each recovery.

 Dorsal sheathing:

 This other variant is effective for working the muscles of the lower back and glutes . We had already told you about it in the article that explained how to lose back fat .

 Moreover, it is also effective for abdominals. It must be 30 seconds, the back straight (do not dig!).

 It is a very effective exercise but it requires a little balance and flexibility : the hands and feet are laying on the ground. Hands flat back, arms outstretched. The raised thighs, the joint with the knees should form a 90-degree angle . To look upward. Shoulders, pelvis and knees should be on the same line.

 Exercise N ° 2: the movement of the spider ( source )
 This exercise will make you move, sweat ... and lose pounds for sure!

 How to proceed :

 First place yourself in the position of pumps , legs and back should be straight. Bring one knee near the elbow, without putting your foot down. The foot should be placed about 10 centimeters off the ground. Return the leg to the initial position, feet should be side by side. Do the same movement with the other leg.

 Repeat the movement 10 times per leg .

 Exercise N ° 3: like squats
 This exercise is in my opinion the most effective to refine, to slim and tone r . The reason: it is an exercise that uses all the muscles and requires a lot of energy. Therefore, the caloric expenditure is very effective.

 During this exercise, the body releases norepinephrine and adrenaline, hormones that will settle and attack the fat cells . By being regular and disciplined in this exercise, you will quickly see a loss of weight; especially around the waist and at the level of the buttocks.

 How to proceed :

 Stand up, legs slightly apart, a little more than the level of the hips. Flex your legs by forcing on the supports, in the same way that if you were going to sit far behind you, the thighs must be able to be parallel to the ground.

 How often?

 If you are new to this discipline, start by doing the exercise in three sets of 30 moves , resting for about a minute between each set.

 Exercise N ° 4: the exercise of the invisible chair
 And here is a classic exercise that has great effectiveness to lose weight and refine . The goal is as in the exercise of the board, to stay in one position for as long as possible to work the muscles that are solicited to hold it.

 How to proceed :

 You must first stand with your back to a wall . Leave some space between you and the wall. Go down gently until the legs form a 90-degree angle . The thighs should be parallel to the floor. It's actually about mimicking the position of sitting on a chair.

 The exercise is very difficult but you have to keep as long as possible . There is no "number" series to realize properly speaking because it is trying to hold as long as the body (and the mind!) Allow.

 Exercise N ° 5: the pumps
 The famous, the classic pumps that we all abhor; and in a nightmare. And this because it requires a huge effort, but it is time to confront them and play down. Know that the more you train, the more comfortable you will be in this exercise. Because as difficult as this exercise can be, the margin of progression feels very quickly , you will improve very quickly.

 In addition, the difficulty / efficiency ratio of the exercise of the pumps is also very proven: one starts therefore!

  .Arch your back : your body must form a line. The hips should touch the ground with the chin and bust, not the first.
  .Take out the buttocks : the body must once again form only one line, and must remain upright. It is necessary to sheath the buttocks and abdominals.
  .Lower your head : it is not a question of putting your forehead in your hands. On the contrary, it is necessary to maintain the head in the alignment of the body. To help you, you can look at the floor a meter away from you.
  .Take out your elbows : be sure to keep your elbows close to the body and not to move them away, the angle must be less than 45 degrees.
  .Forgetting to sheathe the whole body : the pumps are a complete excercise in the sense that it tones the abdominals, buttocks, legs, in addition to the pecs and arms. The body must be kept in the "board" position.
  .Perform half-pumps : it's a mistake that many do. Be sure to make the whole movement, and go back to the top. It is about touching the floor board and back up stretching arms. We must develop the movement to its maximum.
  .Do not neglect this exercise that will allow you to tone and refine you very effectively. It solicits indeed the whole muscular group: triceps, back, pectoral, abdominal belt and legs: at work!

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